8:30 AM -- Room 206 - Opening Remarks - Bryan Ollendyke
An overview of where we've been, where we are going, the awesome diversity of the day and how the days are intended to play out. Drupal's come a long way in a short time at PSU, let's celebrate with (another) Drupal Camp!
Room 202 - Beginner
9:00 AM -- The Language of Drupal - Melissa Hicks
If you are going to walk the Drupal walk, you need to talk the Drupal talk. Before you can start using Drupal, you need to understand the language of Drupal. This short session will cover some basic Drupal terminology and allow you to become versed in the lingo that drives the Drupal experience.
9:30 AM -- Drupal Use Cases - I-Pang Fu
“What Drupal can do for me?” In next 20 minutes, we will explore how to use Drupal in a stress-free way! If you are interested in creating a personal portfolio site, helping your community to grow, collaborating with your peers, or start a small business, Drupal can help you to make it happen! We will go through 3 cases together and you will learn how easy it is to use Drupal for your personal purposes. Let’s go!
10:00 AM -- Site Architecture, Content Types, Views - Dan Nugent
Many Web sites consist of pages that may serve different purposes. A blog site may contain pages such as “About the author” or “Contact Information” in addition to blog postings. A site for a department may contain pages such as “About the Office”, news articles or announcements about department activities, and events sponsored by the department. In this session, we'll be discussing Content Types, Fields, and Views and how you might apply those to meet the various purposes for your site.
11:00 AM -- Theme and UX - Mike Collins and Kayla Thayer
2:00 PM -- Happy Content Creators: Improving Author UX - Eric Aitala
Making life easier for your content creators - how to improve the node creating and editing forms.
2:30 PM -- 25 in 25 - Michael Potter
We'll blaze through some of the most popular and essential Drupal 7 modules. Can we cover 25 modules in 25 minutes, with examples? It's going to be a nailbiter.
3:00 PM -- Setting up a CMS for different roles - Dan Nugent
Unless you’re operating a personal website or a small group site with just a few trusted individuals, your site will likely have users with different responsibilities. Someone who needs to add content like an author, someone who edits and/or manages the content on the site, and someone who is responsible for making changes to the site configuration are common ways to distribute responsibilies. In this session, we will be discussing using roles to group users into functional categories and assigning permissions to roles to control who can do what on your site.
Room 206 - Intermediate
9:00 AM -- Loud and Proud: A How-To for Reaching Your Audience - Kayla Thayer
You put a lot of effort into your content; don't let it get lost in the void. This session will provide you with the tools and insight necessary to get your website ready for the spotlight. This is a crash course in getting loved by Google and Bing, standing out on Facebook, tracking and keeping visitors to your website, and all the small details in between.
10:00 AM -- Introduction to Custom Module Development - Yi Zhang and Nikki Massaro Kauffman
Show how to extend drupal 7 sites with functionality using custom modules. Topics covered include how to display simply message, how to control access to new module, how to build a simple form, how drupal facilitates data persistence, and so on. The end result will be a functional module and the foundation knowledge necessary for developing solutions within the drupal content management framework.
11:00 AM -- Configuring Drupal for WebAccess - Dann Bohn
In this session I'm going to discuss installing and configuring the Cosign Apache module, the WebAccess drupal module, discuss the options for ensuring SSL on login ages, and end with a Q&A.
11:30 AM -- "It would be cool if my website did this when that happened." A Rules overview. - Michael Potter
In this session we'll cover some basics of tapping into Drupal events without writing a lick of code via the Rules module. We'll walk through the user interface and create some basic reactions.
2:00 PM -- Beyond the Basics: Intermediate Drupal Theming - Mike Collins and Kayla Thayer
3:00 PM -- Building a Bibliography, via Entity References and Views - Eric Aitala
How to construct a slimmed down publication bibliography using Entity References and Views. This will references between content types and how to build displays using the contextual filter feature in Views.
Room 208 - Advanced
9:00 AM -- Hooks, Drush, and Alters Oh Mai! - Bryan Ollendyke
Learn all the things I wish I had known about when I first got started with development, as well as hopefully pick up some tips for speeding up your development efforts. I'll quickly go over where to get information on developing with Drupal, mention the modules you'll want to get in order to jump start development, mention how to do things "the Drupal way", but mostly showcase examples in the context of problems I've solved with Drupal modules. Some specific examples include: Using common hooks like hook_init and hook_page_build, using less well known hooks to clean up UX, using alters to modify the work of others without hacking it, writing views integration, drush modules to do complex tasks for you, as well as developing your own hooks via module_invoke_all.
10:00 AM -- Forms, Entities, and All You Need To Know About The Food Network - Brad Fisher and Adam Bergstein
Are you an aspiring Bobby Flay? Do you think Giada is cute? And, are you a developer? If so, this presentation is for you. Let Brad and Adam walk you through how to use Drupal to set up a scrumtrilescent recipe database. We will be walking through setting up a data collection form for our recipes, setting up a recipe entity, saving form data into the entity storage, and demonstrating both a site-building and programatic approach to displaying entity data.
2:00 PM -- Building Service Oriented Architecture - Bryan Ollendyke
This presentation will cover how you can quickly and securely build Service Oriented Architectures using Drupal 7 Web Services. There are three popular methods for doing this in Drupal using contributed modules (Services, Views data export, and RestWS). I'll mention the first two but show how and why I selected RestWS for the Services Oriented Architecture I'm building for our Drupal 7 implementation of ELMS. After this presentation you should know how to quickly build a Drupal site that also has a webservices component to it and see an example of how to build an end point for querying and consuming that information.
3:00 PM -- Creating powerful HTML with views template. - Michael Potter
As Drupal Themers, we need the ability to write the HTML that we want, chopped full of meaningful variables and grid classes for our responsive framework. In this session we are going to utilize View template overrides to write powerful HTML that can adapt itself based on Views results.
4:00 PM -- Room 206 Drupal Gotchas! - Confessions from the Drupal User's Group / Closing Remarks
Members of the Drupal User Group will have an open conversation about issues they've experienced in their usage of Drupal over the months and years. This will include many DOs and DO NOTs that can stump new and veteran Drupal users a-like. Feel free to join us in this fun end of day conversation about issues we've all faced and many can relate to. Input from the audience about Gotchas you've faced is also highly encouraged. We'll have Mr. Drupal on hand for the roast. We'll close with fielding any lingering questions and setting the stage for Day 2.