Project DREF prototype

This video shows a proof of concept called DREF. DREF is short for Drush Recipes Entity Form integration. Entity form allows you to produce forms for people to fill out, drush recipes allows you to tokenize drush and dynamically create new drush block-chain calls. You might see where I’m going…

We need to automate the crappy parts of site builder and the developer and to do that, we need to first put the power of building in the hands of the Project Manager. Take requirements from a client, fill out a form, build the bulk of a website that’s correctly positioned. Hand off the URL to an actual site builder / developer and let them do the fun parts at the end. The form and the PM has done all the dependency management, prototyping and shock-and-wow with the client.

This and more ridiculous, coming to a Drupal Camp near you!
