October 18th: PSU-Drupal Users Group Meeting

The next meeting for the Penn State Drupal Users Group will be held on Tuesday, October 18th, 2011 @ 12:00 PM at Penn State’s University Park campus in State College, PA in 118 Wagner Building.


If you are unable to join us in person, the meetings will be available through Adobe Connect:https://meeting. psu.edu/drupalusersgroup/


  • 12:00pm (NOON) in 118 Wagner Building - PSUWeb - Due to scheduling conflicts and cross-over of interest, this month, we will start our meeting by joining the PSU Web Developer meeting. This will take the place of our main presentation this month. At the conclusion of the PSUWeb meeting, we will continue our regularly scheduled meeting.
  • Introduction
  • Room Introductions Introduce yourself and tell us a little about how you are using Drupal and what you want to do next with it.
  • Lightning Talks:
    • Introduction to CCK - Adam Bergstein @n3rdstein
    • Angel Integration w/o any Code! - Bryan Ollendyke @btopro
  • DrupalCamp Discussion:The discussion of PSU Snow DrupalCamp 2012 will continue with discussions about where we may be able to find the space necessary to hold the event and what responsibilities people may be willing to fill.
  • Group Business: 5-10 minutes to discuss business related to group organization, our website, meeting times, activities, etc.



To be able to foster this community, we need to maintain open, clear, and consistent information that ensures information gets to the far reaches of our very large community (Penn State). As such, we will be using several forms of communication to make sure that we are heard. These are the ones that we are planning to use:



These fast presentations are intended to showcase something that you have been working with in your sites. This could be a problem for which you are searching for an answer, or it could be the solution that you finally found. Presentations are limited to five minutes in length. The intention is to have about five or six of these presentations at each meeting. When deciding on your content for a lightning presentation, aiming for a shorter presentation with time for questions later is better.