Really useful drush commands

Here are some really useful drush commands.  You can find them all at the drush documentation site but I figured I’d save people some time hunting

  1. drush @sites en context features spaces {etc}
  2. drush @sites dis og taxonomy {etc}
  3. drush @sites updb
  4. drush dl regions hidden_nodes {etc}
  5. drush up views cck {etc}
  6. drush @sites cc all
  7. drush @sites cron
  8. drush up drupal
in order of appearance
  1. enable the following modules on all sites in the multisite
  2. disable the following modules on all sites in the multisite
  3. update the database on all sites in the multisite
  4. download the following modules and put them in sites/all/modules
  5. upgrade the following modules
  6. clear all caches on all sites in the multisite
  7. run cron on all sites in the multisite
  8. upgrade drupal core to the latest version
Considerations: This will create a backup folder when it updates modules / themes / drupal but be careful with it as it’s insanely powerful.  Extremely useful for helping to standardize functionality across your sites.