Gauging Drupal Camp PSU interest


I started a thread recently to mention that ELMS has a public demo (http://groups. and suddenly the entire conversation shifted to “Penn state needs a drupal camp”. So, since not everyone that reads this reads g. d. o. I figured I’d ask the question here:

Is there interest in organizing a Drupal camp here or partnering with Pittsburgh in having one in pittsburgh?

Both are options though I’m not entirely sure who I’d have to talk to here about getting one going (or if I just do it and get a conference room with a projector for the day). What is a Drupal camp? A Drupal camp is essentially a day of presentations / training / round-table discussions by people that use and promote Drupal. They are very informal “bar-camp” style events where a small group of members would put together a website to knit things together (basically just have a schedule), people can sign up and then things evolve from there.

So, is a Drupal camp something we want to try and get going? Even if it’s as simple as getting a room and spending a work day there and whoever comes is who comes. I can setup a minor section on the drupal. website or signing up / submitting a topic and that’s basically all we’d need to get the thing rolling. I’ve been talking to a friend from Pittsburgh who is going to get a camp going there soon so I’ll post here about that too as I catch wind of it.

The idea would be people driven, brown-bag, and during work hours. We could ease into this with a first monday of the month type of 2 hours Drupal meeting to “talk shop” as well.

Thoughts, Problems, or concerns about getting this going?