Creating accessible, responsive rubrics in Drupal

These two screencasts show the current state of the Rubric module for Drupal 7.  The first video shows how I’m working towards making Rubrics, traditionally complex, structured documents, accessible using form fields of different types.  It also shows a unique usage of the .element-invisible CSS class built into Drupal core so that language that would bloat interfaces can be hidden from sighted users but portray implied meaning for screen-readers.

The second video walks through the rest of the Rubric module and some cool modules found along the way in its development thus far.  TLDR: here’s the list of modules that I found pretty cool in the development of the Rubric tool to date:

  • Rubric – Module shown under development in this video
  • Text list Formatter – To format multiple item fields as an ordered list, unordered list, or comma separated
  • Field Collection Tabs – To render field collection’s as a list of tabs
  • Equal Heights – Make sure that items of a certain selector are dynamically given equal height
  • Entity Iframe – Generate iframe embed codes for any entity, as well as secure cross domain communication capabilities

Accessible Rubric

Rubric Module state of development